Each season will be 10 weeks long, where teams will play each other three times and culminate in 1 playoff game.*With the exception of the inaugural season replacing the playoff game with a draft day.
Players will be drafted onto a team of 8-9 players by the Coaches. Any player who is participating for the entirety of the league can SUB for another team when requested, at no additional cost. Any players deemed SUBS from the start will be subject to the $10/game fee.
Each team is required to supply a scorekeeper each day for the game time opposite their own.
All participants (players, coaches, subs) are required to sign an agreement/waiver to participate in the league each season.

The full set of league rules can be found HERE. We will follow current men’s high school basketball rules with the following exceptions:
- Clock will stop on any dead ball or free throw during the last 2 minutes of the second half. Teams will have the option of calling a shot clock during the last 2 minutes of the second half and by request only.
- If the game is tied at the end of regulation, play resumes as is with no clock. First team to score, wins!
- Pressing is allowed if the point spread is 15 points or less. If a team presses and the spread is 16+, that team will be assessed a technical foul, awarding the other team 2 free throw shots and the ball.
- Though we encourage same jersey colors and a unique number per player, technicals will not be assessed for double numbers or mismatched colors. Scoreekeepers should be knowledgeable about the players so they can track fouls correctly.

To uphold the UNSPOKEN mission and participant agreement, there will be a Penalty Box during games for anyone who violates our agreement. This person will be relegated to the box for 1 minute. If a player is in the box, they cannot be replaced for the entire minute (per the game clock). Any participant going to the penalty box excessively during the season will be subject to consequences determined by the UNSPOKEN admin.
Any referee, site coordinator, or scorekeeper can assign a player to the Penalty Box at any time if they deem necessary to maintain a safe and friendly environment.
By participating in UNSPOKEN, you agree to:
1. Play with or coach anyone in your squad.
2. No drama allowed…on or off the court!
3. Commit to scorekeeping (or be a penalty box judge!) at least once a season for the game time opposite your own.
4. Maintain the mission and philosophy of the league. Competition and camaraderie coexisting peacefully!
5. Smile, make friends, have fun 🙂